I have been emailing my cousin Carol about the fires...My heart goes out to all those who have been affected by this devastation. I have posted Carols letter, my Uncle Jerry probably lost his home but as of this morning we have not hear from him.
"We are ok for now. It is difficult to get my brain around the enormity of this fire. 500,000+ homes evacuated is unbelievable. 2,000+ homes gone. We felt pretty good about our part of town during the day, but I am now smelling smoke and seeing it, plus hearing the planes making drops somewhere close. I can not get any news from the tv, or the net. So, we are holding our breath.
What do you hear from Uncle Jerry? Don't know what area of Rancho Bernardo he is in. My cousin Jerry and fam. who live in R.B. are ok, but some folks aren't so lucky.
Every few minutes, the tv shows a new fire area. It is just overwhelming.
Thanks for checking in... Love, Carole"