Today I feel really happy, proud and still amazed that I did it!
Yes I did it! Six years ago today I gave up drinking!
I was so scared because when I sculpted I drank a lot . . . red wine was my creative energy.
Could I still sculpt sober? Would I still have creative thoughts? Would the people still like my work?
The answer to all is YES! Yes! Yes!
So on this special day I will be working quietly up in my Halloween Studio with a big Smile on my face . . . YES! I did it!
Bugs & Hisses
SO proud of you Patty!
This is quite an accomplishment & keep up the great work!
Have a great weekend.
Chris :-)
Congratulations. Your work is awesome, so wonderful that you have been able to make this milestone.. Talented people are sometimes also tortured with inner feelings, its because you are so gifted.. My Mother was the same and she too finally found a way to get straight.. Continue with your wonderful work, and enjoy your life! ~ nypdwife Pat 365 days of Halloween group
What a great achievement. I am so happy for you. You go girl!
Wishing you a great sunfilled day.
Hi Patty,
SO nice you stopped by today and the nice post. You made my day!!!
Thanks for being such a sweet friend too. (Add in "Golden Girls" theme) '-)
PS: ALL this computer stuff is SOOO time consuming...I guess this is the wave of the future...((YIKES))
Have a great & creative week!
Me :-)
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