Want to win my Creepy Chenille Halloween ornament “Vampire Clown”?????
The Treasure Hunt begins July 22
and runs through August 7, 2009!!
1) Be a follower on DAG (Dark Artist Guild) blog, (Find the DAG Pink skull on my Blog)
2) Become a Follower on Participating Blogs
3) Leave a Comment in the Contest Posts!
TREASURE HUNTERS are looking for the Dark Artist Guild Icons
... ON Participating Blogs in order to find the contest post!
GRAND PRIZE: OOAK Mad Hatter Art Doll
Enter the contest on ALL the participating blogs gets you an entry to win the Grand Prize from DAG's blog! Donation of the Mad Hatter courtesy of DAG member, Marzel.
The Treasure Hunt begins July 22
and runs through August 7, 2009!!
FUN contest Patty & WOW ~ GREAT spOOky clown!!! '-)
Pick mE...pick mE
Chris (-:
Oh my gosh Pat! He's wonderful! He scares me...but in a good way!
OOh, your clown is daBOMB!
He's awesome!
Love your creepy Vampire Clown!
wow love your freaky clown! :)
That may be the creepiest Creepy Thing ever! I kind of want to hide...it's fantastic!
Your work is so wonderfully detailed! Thanks for letting us play along!
very kewl vampire clown..scary too!!
What a fantastic vampire clown ornament! Your giveaway takes the cake (or maybe a child's candy in this case)!
honestly, you all sure know how to have a fun Treasure Haunt, uh, I mean Hunt!
Is this it? Is this it? I'd give your vampire clown a great home with all the blood-soaked cotton candy he could eat!
he is creepy!
Clowns scare me but your's is too creepy to be scary!
OMG!! I love the vampire clown and I am following everywhere. LOL!!
Thank you.
I don't usually like clowns, but this guy is mighty cute!
I'm following you and DAG. Thanks for giving me the chance to give this creepy fellow a home!
Than you, Patty----He really gives a new name to "clowning around"!
He really is a scarey clown. great work Lindax
Popping in to say hello & wish you a wonderful weekend!
Chris :-)
This guy would be great on my Halloween tree!
I would be so happy to win your vampire clown. I would be so lucky to win that gorgous beauty.
Wow...what a scary clown, but I love it, such great details.
This is such a fun treasure hunt...great idea.
Nothing better than a really scary, blood sucking clown. I love this piece.
He is really creepy....but most clowns are. I would love to add him to my collection.
How fun! Love the creepy clown!
Such a FUN contest and your work is AMAZING!!
He is wonderful and he reminds me of SP the movie IT. :)
OOOH PUt mE iN pLeeeAAAssssse-FuN TakinG a wAlK oN tHE dArK sIdE!!! cRoSSinG fINgErS ToeS AnD nOsE....
fOllOwIng-DAG, yOU, lEAvInG cOmMeNT hErE SwEEtly...
Here I am, he is creepy-cool, and one more reason clowns are scary! Love it! Following along.
hi! i'm so happy to have discovered your blog!complimnets for your creations!this clown it1s so scared!! please enter me into your giveaway!
Wow, Patty you are so talented;)
Your Vampire Clown is so scary..Love it!!
I am looking forward to stopping by again
Love your blog!
This guy is SERIOUSLY wicked! I LOVE him!
I LOVE this wicked clown. Awesome!
And the winner is
Please email me with your address
Thank you everyone for playing the DAG treasure hunt!!!
Bugs & Hisses
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